Thanks for visiting my site. For the first several years I imaged (starting in 2001), I only imaged from my yard in suburban Seattle, Washington, USA, first with a
Meade 10" LX200, then with a Meade 12" RCX400 telescope. Then, discouraged by the incessant clouds in this area, for three years, I joined with another avid amateur in a dome in the
mountains of New Mexico, away from the light pollution and rain, controlling the rig (including the dome) with sophisticated software from my home. That was great fun, but ended in 2009.
I then acquired some equipment (Bisque Paramount ME robotic mount and Takahashi FSQ106N quadruplet fluorite refractor, later adding an RC Optical Systems 14.5" Ritchey-Chrétien telescope)
to go with my SBIG STL11000M camera, and started imaging remotely from South Australia (also controlled over the internet from my home near Seattle). That ended at the end of March 2016.
After three years of limbo, I began imaging again, and my equipment (now including an SBIG STX-16803 camera) now is at Sierra Remote Observatories in California.
Have fun browsing my website, and come back often (I generally add about two images each month). If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me by
clicking here (note that you will have to replace the "at" and the "dot" with the symbol; I have done this to avoid any
more "harvesters" getting the email address and bombarding me with junk email). For full-sized images, and associated information about the image, click on the small picture.
All images copyright Mark de Regt, 2024 or earlier (as shown on each image)