Technical Information:
LRGB: 60:50:50:50 (Luminance layer consists of four 15-minute images, unbinned; R, G and B consist of ten 5-minute images, all binned 2x2).
Equipment: 16" RCOS at about f/9, and an SBIG ST-11000M with internal filter wheel (Astrodon filter set), on a Bisque Paramount ME German Equatorial Mount. This image was reduced in size 65% from the raw frames; the higher resolution image linked to this page is reduced 30% from the raw frames.
Image Acquisition/Camera Control: CCDSoft v5, sometimes controlled with CCDAutoPilot3, and working in concert with TheSky v6.
Processing: All images calibrated (darks and dawn flats) in CCDSoft. All channels combined in Ray Gralak's Sigma pre-beta 11. Luminance layer subjected to one iteration of Lucy Richardson deconvolution in CCDSharp. L, R, G and B layers registered and combined in CCDStack.
Location: Data acquired remotely from the Tejas Observatory, located on the grounds of New Mexico Skies, near Mayhill, NM (elevation 7300 feet).
Date: Luminance images taken during the nights of 11/23/2006; RGB images taken during the nights of 11/17 and 11/18/2006.
Pixel scale: Luminance layer taken at .505 arcseconds per pixel. This image is reduced 65%, for an image scale of about 1.4 arcseconds per pixel; the "full-sized" image has an image scale of about .72 arcseconds per pixel.
CCD Chip temperature: -25C
Seeing: Highly variable.
Transparency: Very good
Moon Phase: No moon during imaging