Technical Information:
LLRGB: 192:60:60:96 (Luminance layer consisted of 24 eight minute images; R and G comprised of 6 ten minute images; B comprised of 6 sixteen minute images). L images unbinned; R, G and B binned 2x2.
Equipment: 10" LX200 at f/6.1, and an SBIG ST-8E camera/CFW-8 color filter wheel, guided by an SBIG AO-7 adaptive optics device, guiding at about 21 Hz for Lum, about 10Hz for RGB.
Image Acquisition/Camera Control: CCDSoft V5.
Processing: All images calibrated (darks and dawn flats) and registered in AIP4WIN. Images average combined in Ray Gralak's sigma reject program. Three iterations of Richardson-Lucy applied in CCDSharp. Iterative applications of curves, levels and brightness/contrast in Photoshop 6.0, followed by a gentle unsharp mask in Photoshop. Color combine performed in Photoshop 6.0.
Location: My yard in Redmond, Washington, elevation 500'.
Date: Luminance images taken during the night of 10/31/02; RGB images taken during the night of 11/1/02.
CCD Temperature: Lum: -33C; RGB: -30C
Moon Phase: Waning crescent
Copyright Mark de Regt, 2002